Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well, instead of grading the 50+ pounds of papers that are currently sitting in my hallway I've been updating my Goodreads page. I had seen a post about this website on my Google Reader * feed a few days ago and had to investigate. It's quite addictive. While I'm not as ambitious as those members who have written fantastic reviews for every book they have ever read, I still enjoy the satisfaction of seeing that list of books on my read shelf grow.** I have a link to my profile here on the blog, so if you're a goodreads member add me as a friend! At some point I'll figure out how to display my 'currently reading' shelf. I'll warn you now though, it won't update nearly as quickly as I'd like. If anyone has the job of just reading all day long, please fill me in on how I could have that as a career. How nice would that be?
Well-- the grading isn't getting any lighter, so I'm off to do some not fun reading all day.

* Thanks Tasha from Kidslit for contributing to the ways in which I can procrastinate. :)
** I think it's the same part of my brain that derives great satisfaction from crossing things off of my To Do list, even if it's just "shower".

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